Monday, April 9, 2012

Kepler Mission App

Hey Space Placers!

I hope everyone had a good Easter or Passover celebration weekend.

I recently blogged about the prolific Kepler planet-hunter mission being extended. Well, there has been an app created for the mission that allows you to follow along as an armchair astronomer-scientist!

Created by UC Santa Cruz, the app puts "at their fingertips the nearly 2,000 distant planetary systems discovered by NASA's Kepler Mission. Kepler Explorer, an innovative app for iPads and iPhones developed by a team at the University of California, Santa Cruz, provides interactive displays of newly discovered planetary systems based on Kepler data. Now available for free from the iTunes App Store, Kepler Explorer was developed through the OpenLab initiative at UC Santa Cruz, which brought together faculty and students in astrophysics, art, and technology for a summer institute last year."

Read More About It:

How cool will it be to access a totally new world almost in real time through your iPhone or in my case iPad? Such is the power of the Internet.

Sky Guy in VA

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