Sunday, August 12, 2012

Curiosity's First High Resolution Color Photo

Hey Space Placers!

Curiosity has provided a high resolution color image of her surroundings that can be seen here:

Make sure that you click on the "Full Size" and then click again to enlarge the image again.

What strikes me the most if how flat the terrain is and the color. It has been described as appearing like California's Mojave Desert. I have spent lots of time in Mojave and I have to agree with the comparison. The image also shows where the rocket exhaust plume scoured the surface and you can see a closeup of the area where underlying features have been exposed.

There will be much more coming from Curiosity in the Sols (Martian days) to come and I eagerly await each return.

Sky Guy in VA

Was a bit cloudy - OK, a lot of clouds last night in my location here in Central VA, but I did see a half dozen bright and beautiful Perseids.

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