Sunday, July 14, 2024


 Hey Space Placers & PLUTO LOVERS!

Watch the above video to get the "Pluto Is A Planet" perspective from Alan Stern, the planetary astronomer who knows more about Pluto than anyone else, oh, and A LOT about planets.

I agree with Dr. Stern's position that the current planet definition is flawed and needs to be changed, which would make Pluto and thousands of other bodies around stars (exoplanets) planets. This has been my stated position since the 2006 IAU debacle. I have had the benefit of meeting and interviewing Dr. Stern as you can see in this photo. We are displaying the "Pluto IS the 9th Planet" protest sign.

                                                                        Dr. Stern and I

My New Horizons Mission Photo Autographed by Dr. Stern

There is a move to redefine "planet" at the August 2024 International Astronomical Union (IAU). My alma mater UCLA just released a statement about a proposed new planet definition .

You can get more info here including the streaming of an update about the ongoing search for "Planet Nine" starring the astronomer who boasts about his getting Pluto demoted as a planet.

I'll have more on this story as it unfolds.

Sky Guy In VA Votes for PLUTO AS A PLANET

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